About Us
In July 6th, 2021 our daughter was diagnosed with a tumor in her left ovary. Upon emergency surgery a doctor from Cancer of Hope heard and came to perform the surgery and removed the tumor through C-section but the cancer has already spread like a wildfire through her abdomen. She has successfully finished 4 cycles of chemotherapy (total of 20 days stay at the hospital). She has had her ups and downs fighting this cancer. While she has recieved gifts from people around the world she wanted us to do the same to bring joy to other children during their dark times to show they are not alone. So we have started Tiny warriors child cancer organization a nonprofit to help bring a smile and to help start fundraisers to the parents to help assist in financial burden to relieve stress so they can spend more time of their little warrior.

Call to Arms
Donations are not manditory but it helps us continue the fight
Visit our Donation section
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